Linguella (WA - Pterostylis) |
sp 'short sepals' (brevisepala) | sp 'broad petals' | sp 'clubbed' | sp 'coastal' | dilatata | sp 'Esperance granite' |
Short-eared Snail | 'Broad Petals' | Clubbed Snail | Coastal Snail | Robust Snail | Granite Snail |
sp 'fawn' | sp 'hairy' | sp 'karri' | sp 'Limestone' | pyramidalis | sp 'swamps' | timothyi (sp 'brittle') |
Fawn Snail | Hairy Snail | Karri Snail | Limestone Snail | Tall Snail | Swamps Snail | Brittle Snail |
Unknown and Un-named orchids
There are many of this genus that are un-named. I could not positively ID these orchids below and have posted them for completeness.