Prasophyllum sp "Dandenong Ranges"
Ranges Leek Orchid  
Prasophyllum  sp aff odoratum G
Pterostylis Sp "Dandenong Ranges"
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We had been on a field trip a week or so before today and had this leek orchid shown to us in bud form.  Now we were back and hoped it would be in flower - yes it was and we were happy, it wasn't a wasted trip to the other side of town after all.

Photographed at Baluk Willam.

Details (Vic):

Flowering:  Flowering mainly Late October to November.

Size: Up to 60cm tall,  flowers -  up to to 25 slightly scented, to 15mm across

Location: Melbourne ranges to Central Victoria.  Grows in moist to dry foothill forest and woodlands..

Endemic, Uncommon.
