
Purnululu National Park
Mini Palms Walk and Bloodwoods Lookout



After lunch on Day 2 we went for the Mini Palms walk taking the side trip to Bloodwoods Lookout which is on the way.   It was quite easy and quick to reach the lookout which gave views of the range and valley floor.   Back out to our real walking track, we headed towards the cliffs.   We walked along the creek bed for a while before we climbed into a valley proper.  Here we were challenged with some boulder hopping before we reached the palm lined chasm.  With the sun above the chasm walls they light up with a bright orange glow, a sight to behold.  Then its back down the track to the carpark and then onto the campground.

Bloodwoods Lookout          Mini Palms Walk
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Bloodwoods Lookout
Information sign - start of walk The small hill ahead is our lookout Looking back to the carpark - large shaded picnic areas
Spinifex grass plains Spinifex grass plains Spinifex grass plains
Spinifex grass plains - distant carpark Spinifex grass plains Spinifex grass plains
Track view Conglomerate rock Lookout view
Spinifex grass plains Spinifex grass plains Spinifex grass plains
Spinifex grass plains Spinifex grass plains Callitrix flowers
The Callitrix plant Spinifex grass plains The lookout
Spinifex grass plains Spinifex grass plains Lookout view
Lookout view A rather nice flower Lookout view

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Mini Palms Walk
Information sign The start of the walk Walk view
Information signs ...dotted along the track Walk view Walk view
Walk view Walk view Walk view
Walk view - approaching the palms area Walk view Boulder scramble
Boulder scramble Boulder scramble Boulder scramble
Boulder scramble Boulder scramble Back on the open track
Walk view - palms Walk view - palms Walk view - palms
Walk view - palms Walk view - palms Walk view - palms
Walk view - palms Walk view - palms Walk view - palms
Walk view - palms Walk view - palms Walk view - palms
Stairs to landing area Chasm - out of bounds Chasm - out of bounds
Walk view - palms Walk view - palms Walk view - palms
Walk view - palms Track - creek walk section Track - creek walk section
Track view Track view Track view
Track view Track view Track view
Track view Track view  

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