
Gibb River Road:
Mount Barnett River Gorge



We stayed at the Hann River free camp last night and today we were going to the Mount Barnett River Gorge walk.  The access road off the Gibb River Road was rougher than the Gibb and got worse the further we drove.  Finally at a good turning area we stopped and started to walk the last few hundred metres to the carpark proper and the start of the walk. 
A sign lead us to the track start and we headed down the track. Not an easy thing to do and after a few hundred metres we were guessing where they trail went.  We thought the trail would hug the gorge rim so we walked along keeping that in sight.  At times we saw a meriad of tracks, so it seems  that lots of people had problems finding their way.  After an hour we decided that would be all the walking we would do and started back.  Near the start we detoured to the lower gorge walk which too us to a large expanse of water.   Back at the start we passed a group who were engaged in removing a flat tyre, lucky we stopped.  Back up the rough road to our car and caravan we headed back to the Gibb River road slowly and headed onto Galvin's gorge.

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View around Hann River Free Camp Heron stalking On the road to Barnett River Gorge Walk
Gibb River road - Barnett River Gorge Walk Barnett River Gorge Walk - start of track Walk view
Walk view - Boab trees Walk view Walk view - where is the track now?
Walk view - where is the track now? Walk view - where is the track now? Walk view - keep to the cliff edge
Walk view Walk view - Gorge down below Walk view
Walk view Walk view Walk view
Walk view Walk view Walk view
Walk view Walk view Walk view
Walk view Walk view Walk view
Walk view Walk view Walk view
Walk view Walk view Walk view
Walk view Walk view Walk view
Walk view Walk view Walk view - heading back
    Walk view - Botton of gorge track
Walk view - Botton of gorge track Walk view - A wide point in the river Walk view
Walk view Walk view Walk view
Walk view - final back again Back out the rough and ready track Not everyone makes it, it seems

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