TWilsons Promontory, Victoria
8 Day - 7 Night Walk


We chose Wilsons Prom for our first big walk for the family.  It was planned as a 8 day walk and as the weather was kind to us, and ended up a full 8 day walk.  Wilsons Prom is a lovely area and the walks are "reasonablely easy" - often on fire tracks, which are like highways through the bush.  We were bush camping and had to carry all our equipement and food for the whole trip with us; water was available along the route we had choosen so we did not carry more than a days supply with us at any one time.  We based our food intake on previous trips of 2-4 days in length.  This it turned out was just a little shy of what we really wanted and some days the second helping was not available, not that our kids noticed as they had our seconds.  One night we treated ourselves as we stayed in one of the lighthouse cottages, a bit pricey but it was a great cottage that we had, well worth the money.  We started the walk on a Saturday and took the shuttle bas to the start of the walk at Telegraph Saddle - we also came back to the start on the next Saturday and again took the bus back to Tidal River and our car.  Unusual for us, but perhaps good for the kids was a lay day on Day 5 where we just played in the sand and the sea.  We did get some rain, after all it is Victoria and we are almost as south as you can get, but it caused little concern and did not dampen our spirits at all.

It was a great time and we recomend the walk to everyone.

Slideshows and Contact Sheets



  Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6   Day 7   Day 8
  Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6   Day 7   Day 8


Contact Sheet:   Day 1.
Today we start - well it is day 1 afterall.  Down to the Halfway Hut was our goal for the day.  Yes, it was drizzling but it soon stopped. As expected the Shuttle Bus was full and there were many excited school kids of for there perhaps first overnight hike.We registered and headed off down the track.  Not many photos today as it was wet and we had done this walk a few times over the years.


Contact Sheet:   Day 2.
Down to Roaring Meg today.  It's as the name suggests quite windy in this area.  Rain has passed but the clouds are still with us.  The fire trail gave us some easy walking today. Had lunch at the Helipad on the way down.  Interestingly our eldest made a see-saw from some old logs at our campsite without any prompting - we were impressed and had some fun maing it work.


Contact Sheet:   Day 3.
Today we head for the lighthouse and we  plan to get there by 2 pm  which is the earilest we can access our cattage.  Thus it was not a long walk today.  We all had a look at the Lighthouse display and I stayed with the kids while Luca had a tour of the actual lighthouse.  Amazing to think the bright beam of the lighthouse is from a 25w bulb.  Connect 4 was a hit games at the cottage for our kids.  The sunset was quite remarkable too.


Contact Sheet:   Day 4.
A long walk , with some hilly sections today, so Luca went 5km up the track with his pack and dumped it and then turned back to meet me somewhere along the track so he might carry the eldest in the tricky sections.  The sun finally came out and it was a pleasant day as we reached Little Waterloo bay where we were to stop for 2 nights.


Contact Sheet:   Day 5.
Lay Day - fun in the sun.


Contact Sheet:   Day 6.
Today we walk to Refuge Bay - not a long walk but there are some hills involved.  As usual the day started off cloudy but the sun soon broke through.  The backpacks cover is on our packs as we stillhad a lot to carry - food, clothes and toilet friendly nappies take up a lot of room.  We saw the tree ferns today - always a great forest to be in when there are ferns about.


Contact Sheet:   Day 7.
Last night tonight - looks like the food may make it, but there won't be much left over.  At this campspot there were a few school groups who in the large were very well behaved except for one guys who had to play music on his IPad - not our type of music either.  The teacher in change soon ensured he started to more fully appreciate the bueaty and quietness of our surroundings.  The beach was fun as usual for all of us.


Contact Sheet:   Day 8.
Last day today - it turned into a bit of a sprint to get out in the end and we just missed the Shuttle Bus and had to wait an hour till it returned.  As it turned out we had 1 muelsi bar and a small handfull of trail mix left. 


  Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6   Day 7   Day 8

  Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6   Day 7   Day 8